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Updated: Sep 28, 2020

Tarot setting with crystals and candles
Tarot Setting

The universe - its existence a wonderment, its origin a mystery; exists and births novel celestial bodies every second and bestows the gift of life upon us mortals who know not her faintest form or dwelling place. We fail to recall such pronounced thoughts as we engross ourselves into our daily chores, responsibilities and ambitions. The belligerent individuals we encounter accompanied by the harsh realities of life we are forced to confront, take a toll on our body, mind and soul. In these fast-paced lives we millennials live, it’s easy to lose the sheer confidence we once exuded and retire to a Delphic persona. Tarot cards can guide and reassure you about your own being in trying times, when by the looks of it one would claim the universe works against him or her, but the cards tell you a deeper truth you’re hesitant or unable to tell yourself. ‘Confront yourself lovingly’ redefined yet again by Carefrontation, we hope this article gives you insightful knowledge based on my extremely personal and up-close experiences with tarot readings.

Respective cards representing Mind, Body and Soul
Three Card Spread

Tarot Cards – A Mystic Art

Tarot, a mystical art that whispers in a language that was once universal and arcane. A Tarot deck is an unbound book of spiritual poetry. Poetries based on every individual’s own personal life, experiences and deepest emotions. The magic of Tarot lies within its ability to convey an extremely personal and accurate story to every mortal who unfurls its cards. Different people, same cards, yet every reading conveys a completely personal story no one ever fathomed could be depicted via cards. Every thought, emotion, desire and deed in the realm of human anticipations are illustrated in Tarot cards. Every thread that binds and links humans to their body, mind and soul creates a connection to the intuitive voices of our ancestors. Divination, meditation, ritual work, healing, prayer, or simply to arouse and bask in the artistic muse, nothing strikes the mind and soul as allegorically and deeply as Tarot. Tarot cards are of varied types however the most famous and easily interpreted deck is the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.

Interpretations of respective cards
The Tower, The Fool

Ways in which Tarot heals the Mind, Body and Soul

1. Answers to Peculiar or Private Questions

Every tragic break-up or loss of a loved one is followed by the questions ‘Why me?’ or ‘What went wrong?’ These are questions your peers can answer but in a vague or generic manner. However, Tarot Cards have certain elements, symbols, numbers and colours that not only point out the accurate answers to your questions, but also guide you in your future endeavours by highlighting the habits you must forgo or adopt.

There are a few topics we aren’t comfortable sharing with even our near and dear for reasons of privacy. Situations like marital problems, extremely personal and prevailing health issues, or even corporate struggles, can be sought a solution through tarot readings.

I would like to highlight that Tarot is not an alternative to a medical professional’s advice or therapy, it can be perceived as a self care routine for intangible parts of your body such as the mind and soul. Belief is the driving factor in every human being. Some seek solace through prayer, some through meditation, while some through activities such as yoga. Tarot too can be treated as a prayer that is expressed in the form of a question.

Tarot set up
Tarot set up

2. Eliminates Self-Doubt

Doubting yourself is an exasperating situation. How is one supposed to wake up every morning, day after day, and tackle the various personal or professional problems at hand if their shoulders are burdened by the weight of self-doubt? Diminishing yourself in any way affects your mindset and in turn the outcome of every activity you perform. Answers or solutions to seemingly catastrophic issues are buried deep within our conscious. A spiritual kick-start of sorts can help you link and analyse problems in a whole new light with the readings provided by a professional and true Tarot Card Reader.

The Trinity - Mind, Body and Soul for Tarot
The Trinity

3. Immediate Enlightenment

In India we are fortunate enough to not only witness, but also celebrate the diverse traditions and cultures of numerous religions. Spirituality is embedded deep within majority of us, often subconsciously, without deliberate attempts. No matter how concrete and firm we are about being atheists or not indulging in the traditional ways of praying, in times of trouble such as a loved one being sick or awaiting the results of a retest, a quick, small yet sincere prayer is one of our initial reactions. In that moment we chose to believe in something more powerful and divine than us. Someone who can take matters of life and death in their own hands and remedy our problems. The principles and elements of Tarot are too derived from the forces of nature, thousands of years ago. With Tarot you can satisfy that inquisitive part within yourself and get immediate answers to your questions. All you have to do is sit down with a reliable Tarot Card Reader and wait patiently as he or she removes the cards facing downwards, and then turns them around, bringing you face to face with your deepest truth.

Mind, Body and Soul makes you whole
The Trinity

4. Get through Dark Times

Tarot, a spiritual expression, serves as a positive release for our depression and anxiety. In the midst of all the stress, anger and fear, the cards serve as a tool for both awareness and reflection. Affirming and believing in Tarot cards can promote mental health, hope, forgiveness and wellbeing. In addition to solace, with Tarot you not only experience a surge of energy but also get a visual solution. This art helps you turn around a negative and hopeless situation into an opportunity to grow. You may be forced to confront bitter truths and unpleasant thoughts, but acceptance of a problem takes you a long way in the self care and healing process for your body, mind and soul.

5. Tarot is about Clarity

Don’t mean to sound like a brat, but we are often spoilt for choice. More choices mean more alternative endings. The process of analysing and weighing every single opportunity can be taxing to your mind and body. Another opportunity for that nasty anxiety to creep its way out and burden you. In a way, Tarot lets you unmuddy the waters of your mind in addition to affirming your hunches. Intuition is a key factor that drives your success in various professions such as business, investment decisions, doctors, and many more. Tarot hones your intuition which is often a linchpin in many vital decision-making processes of your life.

Queen of Wands, Queen of Sword, Queen of Cups Tarot Cards
The Queen Arcana

6. Belief, Hope & Joy

Ultimately Tarot is about instilling hope and benefiting individuals. However, Tarot Cards cannot be tested. One of the crucial rules to remember is to never ask a Tarot Deck a question about a past event that has been completed to fruition, just to cross-check and determine the viability of the art. It’s a mystic practice that respects and benefits you, if you respect and promise to learn from it.

Beliefs, behaviours and outcomes are but circumstances to the game of life. Ever-changing as they might be, are traits we must own yet strive to transcend upon. How you chose to grow is in your hands and that’s a beautiful thing. Tarot, a mysterious, sacred channel, to guide you. It consists of the cards that serve as a guide, your champion, your very own intuitive voice, and the start of your journey to something magnificent.

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