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Importance of self care during Covid lockdown: How I enhanced my physical and mental health

Updated: Sep 29, 2020

Few things reveal themselves in unexpected situation and that is what life is all about. The corona virus outbreak transformed our lives overnight. Never had we expected in our wildest dreams for 2020 to take such a turn.

If someone would have given me the opportunity at the beginning of 2020 to stay in my room for hours binge watching my favourite show, attending lectures online without hustling to board my train at the busy Dadar station, I wouldn't have thought twice to grab this chance.

For someone like me, who has always enjoyed staying home and doing simple things in life more than going out, I really thought that the lockdown would be a worthwhile experience because I would get to do all the things I previously missed out on because of my busy schedule, spend more time with my family and mainly, SLEEP as much as I want to. However, after a few weeks the lockdown hit me and completely changed my perception. Suddenly, the things I hated the most became the things I wanted to do the most.

Right from my daily routine to my personality, everything started changing. For someone who used to always be so active during the day doing something or the other, I became a complete couch potato in the lockdown. I found myself eating junk out of boredom. My screen time averaged around 10 hours a day. I used to constantly worry about what's going to happen next and unpredictable events started to freak me out considerably.

My skin started to lose its glow, my hair started shedding and my weight started increasing. My anxiety level escalated significantly and started affecting my physical and emotional well-being. I got diagnosed with thyroid in the lockdown and that was the point I realised that some kind of change is required.

It took me significant time to realise this change in myself and wanting to do something about it and I'd say that it's completely okay. 'Jab Jaago tab savera' is what they always say :)

As I write this blog sipping my evening green tea, it makes me very happy that I put in efforts to bring about a change and not simply crib. Always remember that if you don't challenge yourself, you're not going to change yourself.



I was under the assumption that the lockdown would make my life simple. Less workload and hence less trouble. Little did I know it would turn out completely the opposite. WFM (Work from Home) has made us sit in front of our computer screens throughout the day. Physical activities have declined to almost 90%. Our evening walks at the garden or our run to catch the train have become a thing of the past. Sitting has become the new normal which has caused a significant impact on our physical fitness in terms of flexibility, endurance, obesity levels. But here are a few exercises you could turn your chair to a quick workout equipment:


We are all aware that water is the elixir of life. However, we fail to understand its importance on smooth functioning of our body. Dehydration affects blood and oxygen circulation, thus negatively affecting physical and mental activity. It cause tiredness which influences mood stability and cognitive abilities. I was always someone who never liked plain water and so I decided to start consuming flavoured water. This increased my water intake by 70%. My bloating issues reduced to a great extent and I could see a significant difference in my skin texture and my productivity. Here are two flavoured water combinations that I totally love: Lemon+Cucumber water and Sweet Lime and Chia seed water.


I have a few friends who I call my family and not meeting them this lockdown was the toughest. Associating yourself with cheerful and optimistic people is so important, especially during this lockdown that has been mentally so draining. Sharing your feelings and thoughts won't completely curb the stress but surely help you stay strong to manage it.


Pranayama is a practice of breath regulation that calms the nervous system, improves sleep quality, reduces blood pressure and promotes complete relaxation of the body. These practices have helped me keep my thyroid under control and also reduced my sleep disturbance. Remember that you won't get results overnight. Consistency is key to success.

You should definitely perform Bhastrika, Anulovilom, Simhasana, Brahmari and Kapalbharti everyday everyday for a relaxed, healthy mind.


The lockdown changed my eating patterns substantially. I was eating even when I wasn't hungry. Coupled with my lazy routine, this habit led to a sudden weight gain for me. I started planning my meals at the beginning of every week by taking inspiration from my favourite nutritionist, Rujuta Diwekar who says that it is strength-dignity-resolve and not 36-24-36 that define the attributes of a beautiful woman. I decided to eat fresh, home-cooked food to resume my sustainable fitness journey this time.

Simple, home-cooked, sustainable diet plan to stay fit during lockdown and reduce obesity, weight.
Lockdown Diet plan

You can download this planner here:

Lockdown Meal Plan
Download PDF • 55KB

In order to avoid binge eating during work,I would recommend having small snack boxes next to your work desk with healthy snacks and munchies to make sure you don't hog junk food. Here is what my munching plate at my desk looks like:

Healthy munching snack boxes for work with fresh fruits, nuts, seeds and home-made chivda
Healthy Snack Ideas


Taking a break is important to detoxify our system that is loaded with burden and stress. To keep yourself sane this lockdown, make sure you're devoting some time for yourself by doing things you love. Relax your body, mind and soul timely.

Home DIY ideas to spend a great Sunday at home with skin care, hair care, self-pampering and binge watching to take a break
Sunday Self care ideas

I hope these self care tips help you to manage your body, mind and soul with love and care. Please let me know in the comments below if you found these tips useful!

Keep smiling!

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